DA FORM 5447 – Officer Service Agreement Selected Reserve Educational Assistance Program (Short Title: Montgomery Gi Bill)

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 5447 – Officer Service Agreement Selected Reserve Educational Assistance Program (Short Title: Montgomery Gi Bill) – The Montgomery GI Bill is a program designed to assist veterans in achieving their educational goals. DA FORM 5447, known as the Officer Service Agreement Selected Reserve Educational Assistance Program, is an important part of this program for officers in the Selected Reserve. It outlines the individual’s eligibility and commitment to the program, as well as the benefits and responsibilities associated with it. This document helps veterans understand how they can use their military service to pay for college education or career training.

Download DA FORM 5447 – Officer Service Agreement Selected Reserve Educational Assistance Program (Short Title: Montgomery Gi Bill)

Form Number DA FORM 5447
Form Title Officer Service Agreement Selected Reserve Educational Assistance Program (Short Title: Montgomery Gi Bill)
Published 02/01/2016
Prescribing Pub AR 621-202
File Size 31 KB

DA FORM 5447 (6 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 5447?

The Montgomery GI Bill is a great educational assistance program that has been helping members of the Selected Reserve in their pursuit of higher education for decades. DA Form 5447, also known as the Officer Service Agreement, is a crucial part of this program and is used to initiate benefit payments. This article will discuss the purpose and contents of DA Form 5447, as well as how it relates to the Montgomery GI Bill.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 5447?

The Montgomery Gi Bill is an educational assistance program offered through the Department of Defense that provides service members with financial support for college or vocational training. DA Form 5447 is a form used by officers in the Selected Reserve Educational Assistance Program to apply for benefits. This form is necessary to initiate and track the payments received by the service member and to document their eligibility for the program. Completing this form correctly is essential in order to ensure that all eligible benefits are received in a timely manner.

DA FORM 5447 – Officer Service Agreement Selected Reserve Educational Assistance Program (Short Title: Montgomery Gi Bill)

The Montgomery GI Bill has long been the gold standard for assisting members of the Selected Reserve of the U.S. Armed Forces in their pursuit of higher education. The DA Form 5447 is an important document that outlines an officer’s service agreement with the Selected Reserve Educational Assistance Program (SR-EAP). This form provides officers with detailed information about benefits and entitlements, as well as a summary of program regulations and eligibility requirements.

DA FORM 5447 – Example

DA FORM 5447 - Officer Service Agreement Selected Reserve Educational Assistance Program (Short Title Montgomery Gi Bill)