DA FORM 5396 – Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program Monthly Report

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 5396 – Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program Monthly Report – The Department of the Army (DA) oversees the Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program (OTEIP) to manage the extended overseas assignments of military personnel.

This program offers incentives for those who accept longer deployments in foreign countries. The DA Form 5396 is an important document used to report on the monthly activity of OTEIP. This article explains what information should be included in a DA Form 5396 and how to complete one properly.

Download DA FORM 5396 – Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program Monthly Report

Form Number DA FORM 5396
Form Title Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program Monthly Report
Published 12/01/2014
Prescribing Pub AR 614-30
File Size 97 KB

DA FORM 5396 (2 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 5396?

The U.S. Department of the Army (DA) Form 5396 is a valuable tool for tracking progress related to Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program (OTEP) initiatives.

This form provides information about recruitments and tours that have been extended, as well as those that have ended early or otherwise not gone according to plan. It is an essential resource for military personnel and other government employees who are involved in the OTEP program.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 5396?

The Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program (OTEIP) is a valuable resource for military personnel. The program is designed to extend current assignments abroad and provide incentives to personnel who volunteer for extended tours.

To track the progress of the program, the Department of the Army has created DA Form 5396 – Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program Monthly Report. This report provides an overview of participant engagement in OTEIP, as well as the associated financial benefits.

DA FORM 5396 – Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program Monthly Report

The Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program (OTEIP) Monthly Report is an important document for the Department of the Army (DA). This report, which is completed using DA Form 5396, provides a detailed overview of the progress made on the OTEIP program. It is a critical part of ensuring that the OTEIP program remains successful and its participants are able to maximize their experience.

DA FORM 5396 – Example

DA FORM 5396 - Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program Monthly ReportDA FORM 5396 – Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program Monthly Report