DA FORM 5123-1 – In-Processing Personnel Record

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 5123-1 – In-Processing Personnel Record – You may be wondering, What is a DA FORM 5123-1? And, where can I find one? This article explains the basics. DA FORM 5123-1 is an In-Processing Personnel Record. It is a document used by an employer to keep track of an employee’s current status. This type of record may be classified as either unclassified or classified.

Download DA FORM 5123-1 – In-Processing Personnel Record

Form Number DA FORM 5123-1
Form Title In-Processing Personnel Record
Published 05/01/2019
Prescribing Pub AR 600-8-101
File Size 327 KB

DA FORM 5123-1 (2 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 5123-1?

A DA FORM 5123-1 is a government form that requests or authorizes official travel. It is important to know how to fill out this form so that you can receive reimbursement for your expenses. It is filed with the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

This form is used to account for a soldier’s documents required to deploy and will be included in their personnel records at their next duty station. This form will also inform the soldier of any alleged debts and will notify the unit commander of ineligibility. It is a legal requirement that must be followed.

Certain soldiers have medical conditions that may result in a claim against the Government. Soldiers who have physical conditions or disabilities may be referred to the Physical Disability Evaluation System (PDES). Before leaving an installation, a DA Form 362 or a DA FORM 4697 must be filed to initiate a line-of-duty investigation.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 5123-1?

The DA FORM 5123-1 is a document that is required for soldiers to complete when they leave the military. This form is a part of the Defense Acquisition Manual, 600-8-101, issued on 28 May 2003. It is important to have the right information and the right documents to complete this form.

The DA Form 5123 is used by the Department of the Army (DA) to account for required documents. Once completed, this document is placed with the soldier’s personnel records at the next duty station. The form also provides information to the soldier on alleged debts. If the form shows that a soldier has insufficient funds, he or she may be ineligible for further duty.

DA FORM 5123-1 – In-Processing Personnel Record

This form is used to record the required documents a soldier must have prior to leaving the service and will be included in the Soldier’s personnel records upon arrival at the next duty station. It also informs the soldier of any debts that may have accrued during his time of service. This information may be used by the unit commander to determine if a soldier is ineligible to be deployed.

Before filling out this form, it is important to check the enlistment contract provisions. If a soldier is deploying for more than 30 consecutive days, he or she must indicate this on the form. If the soldier has been on TDY for longer than 30 days, he or she must list the TCS or WY that he or she completed.

DA FORM 5123-1 – Example

DA FORM 5123-1 - In-Processing Personnel Record 1 DA FORM 5123-1 - In-Processing Personnel Record 2