DA Form 4948 – Freedom Of Information Act

DAFORMS.NETDA Form 4948 – Freedom Of Information Act – DA Form 4948 is a government form requesting information from the Defense Department. This form is necessary for the release of records requested under the Freedom Of Information Act. However, the Defense Department must consider the importance of Operations Security when releasing records. As such, this form details references and information frequently used in responding to FOIA requests. Anyone who regularly deals with the public on such requests should keep a copy of the form on hand.

Download DA Form 4948 – Freedom Of Information Act

Form Number DA Form 4948
Form Title Freedom Of Information Act
Published 10/01/2020
Prescribing Pub AR 25-55
File Size 29 KB

DA FORM 4948 (2 downloads )

What is a DA Form 4948

If you are a member of the United States Army, you must be familiar with DA Form 4948. This form is used by the Army to keep track of your details and job duties. It can include your name, rank, and grade, as well as your social security number. The more information you include on this form, the faster your application will be processed, and the more likely your request will be approved. To create this document, simply use a document builder and fill in the information requested.

DA forms are necessary when a member of the military is asked to provide information related to his or her disciplinary actions. The DA may request a release of records related to disciplinary action, such as records of court-martial, administrative reprimands, suspensions, and similar documents. However, subordinate commanders must be given the proper consent to release such information. In such a case, the installation commander will refer the request to the Chief of Legislative Liaison, who will then submit a letter with recommendations and copies of the requested records.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 4948

The Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) protects information in the public domain and protects government information from unauthorized disclosure. A person can request documents under the Act, and the government is required to comply. However, there are some restrictions on the information that the government may release.

For example, certain types of information are exempt, and the DA must process the request before it can be released. Certain types of information cannot be released under the Act, including foreign records, which can affect the host country. Therefore, it is crucial to know the exemptions before filing a request.

A person can request records through the DA, and the DA will respond to the request within 20 days. However, if a record is classified or restricted, the DA must refer the request to an agency that has the authority to provide the information.

DA Form 4948 Example

DA Form 4948 - Freedom Of Information Act