DA FORM 4918 – Petition For Grant Of Review In The United States Court Of Appeals For The Armed Forces

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 4918 – Petition For Grant Of Review In The United States Court Of Appeals For The Armed Forces– The DA Form 4918 is a document that is used to request a review of a case by the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. The form must be submitted by the party who wishes to have the case reviewed, and it must be accompanied by a written brief that sets forth the grounds for review. The court will then decide whether or not to hear the case. If the court decides to hear the case, it will issue a written opinion on the matter.

Download DA FORM 4918 – Petition For Grant Of Review In The United States Court Of Appeals For The Armed Forces

Form Number DA FORM 4918
Form Title Petition For Grant Of Review In The United States Court Of Appeals For The Armed Forces
Published 01/01/2019
Prescribing Pub AR 27-10
File Size 24 KB

DA FORM 4918 (3 downloads )

What is a  DA FORM 4918?

The purpose of this article is to inform the reader of the existence of DA Form 4918 and to provide a general overview of its content and purpose. DA Form 4918 is a document used by individuals who wish to file a petition for review in the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. The form must be completed and filed with the court in order to have one’s case heard. The form includes a statement of facts and a set of legal issues for review. The form must be completed by the petitioner; it is not submitted on behalf of the Government or any other party.

Where Can I Find a  DA FORM 4918?

If you are not happy with a decision made by the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, you can file a DA Form 4918. This is called a Petition for Grant of Review. The court will then decide if it wants to hear your case. If it does, you will be given a date for your oral argument. You should file your petition within 30 days of the date the decision was issued. The form is available at the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces website. In summary, if you want to appeal a decision made by the military court system, you must file a DA Form 4918. This form must be filled in and submitted within 30 days of receipt of the decision.

DA FORM 4918 – Petition For Grant Of Review In The United States Court Of Appeals For The Armed Forces

In the military justice system, a DA Form 4918 is a Petition for Grant of Review filed in the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. This form is used when an appellant believes that the lower court made a mistake in its ruling and wants the appellate court to review the case. The appellant must show that there is a substantial question of law or fact involved in the case, and that review by the appellate court is necessary in order for justice to be done.

DA FORM 4918 – Example

DA FORM 4918 - Petition For Grant Of Review In The United States Court Of Appeals For The Armed Forces