DA FORM 4836 – Oath Of Extension Of Enlistment Or Reenlistment

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 4836 – Oath Of Extension Of Enlistment Or Reenlistment – In the Army, every Soldier pledges to uphold the Constitution and protect America’s freedoms. The Oath of Extension of Enlistment or Reenlistment is a solemn reaffirmation of that commitment. Soldiers who extend their enlistment or reenlist enter into a new contract with the Army, promising to serve for a specific period of time.

Soldiers who extend their enlistment or reenlist sign the Oath of Extension of Enlistment or Reenlistment during one of two ceremonies (a ceremony for Soldiers in the active component, and a ceremony for Soldiers in the reserve component).

Download DA FORM 4836 – Oath Of Extension Of Enlistment Or Reenlistment

Form Number DA FORM 4836
Form Title Oath Of Extension Of Enlistment Or Reenlistment
Published 03/01/2018
Prescribing Pub AR 140-111
File Size 54 KB

DA FORM 4836 (11 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 4836?

The DA Form 4836 is an oath of extension of enlistment or reenlistment. This form is used by the United States Army and is required to be signed by the Soldier and a witness. The purpose of this form is to document the Soldier’s intent to extend their enlistment or reenlist in the Army. This form is important because it verifies the Soldier’s commitment to the Army and ensures that they will fulfill their obligations.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 4836?

In the Army, every Soldier takes an oath of enlistment. This oath signifies their commitment to the Army values, and serves as a personal reminder of the Soldier’s responsibilities. The oath is taken when a Soldier first enlists, and again if they reenlist. DA Form 4836 is the form that is used for the Oath of Extension of Enlistment or Reenlistment. This form is a written reaffirmation of the Soldier’s commitment to the Army.

DA FORM 4836 – Oath Of Extension Of Enlistment Or Reenlistment

DA FORM 4836 – Example

DA FORM 4836 - Oath Of Extension Of Enlistment Or Reenlistment