DA FORM 4651 – Request For Reserve Component Assignment Or Attachment

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 4651 – Request For Reserve Component Assignment Or Attachment – The DA FORM 4651, also known as the Request for Reserve Component Assignment or Attachment, is an important document related to the United States Army Reserve.

The form, which is approved and mandated by the Secretary of the Army, provides critical information necessary to properly assign or attach a servicemember to a reserve component (RC). This article will provide an overview of the form and explain how individuals can submit one.

Download DA FORM 4651 – Request For Reserve Component Assignment Or Attachment

Form Number DA FORM 4651
Form Title Request For Reserve Component Assignment Or Attachment
Published 12/01/2022
Prescribing Pub AR 140-10
File Size 41 KB

DA FORM 4651 (68 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 4651?

US Army reservists are critical to national security and the success of military operations. They serve in a variety of ways, from active duty to part-time National Guard or Reserve roles.

To ensure that their skills and expertise are properly utilized, a DA Form 4651 – Request For Reserve Component Assignment Or Attachment must be completed and submitted in order to request a permanent change of station (PCS) or assignment to an active component unit.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 4651?

This article will provide an overview of the DA Form 4651, which is known as the Request for Reserve Component Assignment or Attachment. This form is used by active and reserve service members to request assignment or attachment to a Reserve Component unit, such as the Army National Guard or Reserve or Air National Guard or Reserve. It allows the service member to request these assignments in order to gain experience, further their career objectives, and serve their country.

DA FORM 4651 – Request For Reserve Component Assignment Or Attachment

The Army Reserve is an important component of the United States military. It provides additional personnel and resources during times of war, natural disasters, and other emergency situations. To request assignment or attachment to the Army Reserve, soldiers must submit a DA Form 4651. This form serves as a request for assignment or attachment to a unit in the Army Reserve and outlines all of the necessary information required by the United States Army.

DA FORM 4651 – Example

DA FORM 4651 - Request For Reserve Component Assignment Or Attachment