DA FORM 4612 – Number And Types Of Decorations Approved

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 4612 – Number And Types Of Decorations Approved – The DA Form 4612 is a document used by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to approve decorations for national holidays. The form contains a list of approved decorations and their type, as well as a certification that the decoration meets USDA requirements.

Decorations approved through the DA Form 4612 can be found at various retailers across the United States. Many popular holiday decorations, such as Christmas trees and wreaths, are approved through this form.

Download DA FORM 4612 – Number And Types Of Decorations Approved

Form Number DA FORM 4612
Form Title Number And Types Of Decorations Approved
Published 08/01/2012
Prescribing Pub AR 600-8-22
File Size 62 KB

DA FORM 4612 (20 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 4612?

DA Form 4612 is a form that is used to approve decorations for occasions such as weddings, birthday parties, and other events. There are many different types of decorations that can be approved on this form, including flowers, balloons, streamers, and tablecloths.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 4612?

Decorations are a big part of any celebration, and they can be as simple or elaborate as you’d like. However, some specific decorations are generally allowed at weddings. One of these is daisy flowers, which are typically considered to be a Wedding decoration.

DA FORM 4612 – Number And Types Of Decorations Approved

Decorations are a big part of any event and can make a huge impact. To make sure that your decorations are approved, you will need to follow DA Form 4612. This form has a list of different types of decorations that are allowed and not allowed at various events. By following this form, you can make sure that your event is run smoothly and without any problems.

DA FORM 4612 – Example

DA FORM 4612 - Number And Types Of Decorations Approved