DA FORM 4201 – High Burst (Mean Point Of Impact) Registration

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 4201 – High Burst (Mean Point Of Impact) Registration – The DA Form 4201, or High Burst (Mean Point of Impact) Registration, is a form used by the Department of Defense to track and register munitions. It is an important document that allows the DoD to keep an accurate record of munitions stored at military installations and those released in combat. The purpose of this article is to explain what the DA Form 4201 is and how it works.

Download DA FORM 4201 – High Burst (Mean Point Of Impact) Registration

Form Number DA FORM 4201
Form Title High Burst (Mean Point Of Impact) Registration
Published 01/01/2016
Prescribing Pub TC 3-09.81
File Size 103 KB

DA FORM 4200 (4 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 4201?

The DA Form 4201 is an essential form used by the military to register and track high burst, or mean point of impact (MPI), weapons. It is crucial for commanders to monitor their personnel’s use of these weapons and ensure proper safety measures are taken. High-burst weapons have a much greater impact on the target area than regular firearms, making them more dangerous and requiring additional oversight.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 4201?

The DA Form 4201 is an essential document for determining the accuracy of a weapon’s fire. High Burst (MPI) registration is the process that is used to establish the mean point of impact for a given weapon. With this information, military personnel can adjust their tactics and strategies to increase their chances of success during combat situations. This article will provide an overview of what DA Form 4201 is, explain how it works, and discuss why it is important in military operations.

DA FORM 4201 – High Burst (Mean Point Of Impact) Registration

The DA FORM 4201, or High Burst (Mean Point of Impact) Registration, is an important form used by the U.S. military to register the results of high burst firing tests. This form is a crucial part of ensuring that ammunition and weapon systems meet the required standards for safety and accuracy. It also serves as a record of compliance with applicable regulations and policies. With such important implications, it is important to understand what this form entails and how to properly fill it out.

DA FORM 4201 – Example

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