DA FORM 4126 – Bar To Continued Service

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 4126 – Bar To Continued Service – The Department of the Army (DA) Form 4126 is a vital document for potential service members and those already in active duty who wish to continue their service. This document is the official form used by the U.S. Army when reviewing applications regarding continuation of service, and must be completed accurately and presented with supporting documents. It is important to understand the purpose of this form, what information it requires, and how to properly complete it in order to be considered for continued service.

Download DA FORM 4126 – Bar To Continued Service

Form Number DA FORM 4126
Form Title Bar To Continued Service
Published 10/01/2016
Prescribing Pub AR 601-280
File Size 45 KB

DA FORM 4126 (5 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 4126?

The Department of the Army (DA) Form 4126 is an important document for individuals who are considering leaving active duty military service or transferring to the Army Reserve. This form, commonly referred to as the Bar To Continued Service form, gives commanders the authority to deny continued service based on a variety of factors. It is a critical document that outlines the regulations and requirements necessary for an individual’s continued service in the Army.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 4126?

This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the DA Form 4126, Bar to Continued Service. This form is used by military personnel when they are facing the prospect of being discharged from their service or having their enlistment terminated from active duty service. This document serves to officially inform a service member of the reasons they are being separated from their current position and determines the consequences of this separation. It also outlines any rights and benefits that may be available to them in light of their dismissal.

DA FORM 4126 – Bar To Continued Service

The United States Army has a long and proud history of service, and those who serve continue to be supported by the organization. With that in mind, the DA Form 4126 – Bar To Continued Service is an important document for all active military personnel. It outlines what will prevent or disqualify a member from continuing service in any branch of the armed forces.

DA FORM 4126 – Example

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