DA FORM 3947 – Medical Evaluation Board Proceedings

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 3947 – Medical Evaluation Board Proceedings – The Department of the Army (DA) Form 3947 is an important document used in the medical evaluation board proceedings. This form is designed to provide medical officers with an organized way to evaluate the physical and mental health of service members. It is also a helpful tool for documenting the medical condition and care given to service members. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of DA Form 3947, including its components and how it can be used.

Download DA FORM 3947 – Medical Evaluation Board Proceedings

Form Number DA FORM 3947
Form Title Medical Evaluation Board Proceedings
Published 06/01/2017
Prescribing Pub AR 40-400
File Size 71 KB

DA FORM 3947 (3 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 3947?

DA Form 3947 is used to document the proceedings of a Medical Evaluation Board (MEB). It is an important tool for US Army personnel in determining whether a service member is fit for duty or not. This form is used to evaluate conditions that are disabling and require long-term medical treatment or evaluation. The information gathered from this form can be used to make decisions about the service member’s fitness for duty status, assignment limitations, and retirement options.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 3947?

The Army’s DA Form 3947 – Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) Proceedings is a document used by the U.S. Army to address medical issues and evaluate soldiers’ fitness for duty or continued service. The form is distributed and completed by the attending MEB, who will then provide the appropriate recommendation. Soldiers must understand their rights and responsibilities when completing this form, as failure to comply can result in negative consequences for their medical condition and career goals.

DA FORM 3947 – Medical Evaluation Board Proceedings

The United States Army provides a medical evaluation board process for service members who are no longer able to perform their duties due to medical disability. This process is accomplished using the Department of the Army Form 3947, more commonly known as the Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) Proceedings. The MEB form is required in order for service members to begin the medical evaluation process and involves an extensive review of both physical and mental health factors.

DA FORM 3947 – Example

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