DA FORM 3947-1 – Medical Evaluation Board Proceedings – Continuation Page

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 3947-1 – Medical Evaluation Board Proceedings – Continuation Page – This article will provide an in-depth look into the DA Form 3947-1, a continuation page for the Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) Proceedings. The form is important for those who are undergoing medical evaluation boards and need to document their progress. It allows service members to provide additional information about their condition and current status in order to assist with the MEB process.

Download DA FORM 3947-1 – Medical Evaluation Board Proceedings – Continuation Page

Form Number DA FORM 3947-1
Form Title Medical Evaluation Board Proceedings – Continuation Page
Published 06/01/2017
Prescribing Pub AR 40-400
File Size 46 KB

DA FORM 3947-1 (2 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 3947-1?

The DA Form 3947-1 is a continuation page and an important document for anyone undergoing a medical evaluation board (MEB) proceedings. It is used to document medical conditions or injuries that are impacting the service member’s physical health, ability to perform duties, and quality of life. The form is part of the official record related to MEB proceedings and must be completed accurately and in its entirety.

The continuation page is used to document medical conditions or injuries that have developed during the course of treatment. It is important to note that the continuation page must be filled out by a licensed medical personnel.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 3947-1?

The U.S. Army’s DA Form 3947-1, also known as the Medical Evaluation Board Proceedings Continuation Page, is an important document that helps to ensure the health and welfare of all Soldiers. This form is used to provide additional information on a Soldier’s medical condition so that it can be properly evaluated by a board of medical professionals.

DA FORM 3947-1 – Medical Evaluation Board Proceedings – Continuation Page

The DA Form 3947-1 is an important document used in the Military Health System (MHS) to document the proceedings of a Medical Evaluation Board (MEB). This form is used to document information from medical examinations, laboratory studies, operational histories, and other data related to a service member’s medical condition. The form serves as the primary legal record for all MEB proceedings and must be completed accurately and thoroughly.

DA FORM 3947-1 – Example

DA FORM 3947-1 - Medical Evaluation Board Proceedings - Continuation Page