DA FORM 3822 – Report Of Mental Status Evaluation

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 3822 – Report Of Mental Status Evaluation – If you need to fill out a DA FORM 3822, you can use a free online tool that offers online document editing. After you sign up for a free account, you can add documents from your own device, cloud, or a secure URL. Using the tools provided by the site, you can edit your document, add text or images, and fill in all of the required fields. You can even highlight important details and add comments to your document.

Download DA FORM 3822 – Report Of Mental Status Evaluation

Form Number DA FORM 3822
Form Title Report Of Mental Status Evaluation
Published 06/01/2019
Prescribing Pub AR 40-66
File Size 42 KB

DA FORM 3822 (0 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 3822?

A DA FORM 3822 is a document that outlines a change in the status of a service member or veteran. It is used to communicate changes to the command team. Depending on the change, it may include a change to treatment or risk status. For example, a change in the status of a service member’s mental status may require additional documentation.

DA FORM 3822 – Report Of Mental Status Evaluation

The DA FORM 3822 – Report of Mental Status Evaluation (RMSE) provides the findings of an evaluation conducted by a medical professional for a pending discharge. The form is used by the Department of Defense in cases of mental health issues. The Army outlines the specific requirements for this form.

The form should include the following information: name of the service member, age, and gender; current and prior medical conditions; treatment options; and any prior hospitalization. The provider will then use the DA FORM 3822 to inform the command team of the changes in the patient’s profile. This document is also used to communicate changes in treatment plans and risk status.

DA FORM 3822 – Example

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