DA FORM 3677 – Computer Met Message

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 3677 – Computer Met Message – The Department of the Army (DA) Form 3677, commonly known as the Computer Met Message, is an official document used to send secure messages over computer networks. This form is widely used by members of the United States military and other government agencies to convey important information in a safe and secure manner. It is crucial that the instructions found on DA Form 3677 be followed correctly when submitting a message to guarantee that it is both reliable and confidential.

Download DA FORM 3677 – Computer Met Message

Form Number DA FORM 3677
Form Title Computer Met Message
Prescribing Pub
File Size 59 KB

What is a DA FORM 3677?

This article will provide an overview of DA Form 3677, also known as the Computer Met Message. This form is used by the U.S. Army to transmit information between its personnel and other allied forces electronically. The form was designed to ensure accuracy and security through its strict guidelines and procedures. It is a critical part of daily operations in the Army, providing fast and reliable communication for personnel from all branches of service.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 3677?

The DA Form 3677, or Computer Message Met Form, is an essential document used by the United States Army. It is a standardized form used to submit messages through their computer networks to ensure clear and concise communication between personnel. This form allows for the rapid transfer of information that would otherwise have to be sent in a physical or manual means. Additionally, it provides an archival system so that users can store and retrieve messages as needed.

DA FORM 3677 – Computer Met Message

The completion of the DA Form 3677, otherwise known as the Computer Met Message, is an important step in helping to report different types of hazardous weather conditions. This form assists in providing timely and accurate data on hazardous conditions that may affect a unit’s mission or safety. A thorough understanding of this form and its function can help ensure that appropriate steps are taken to protect personnel and property.

DA FORM 3677 – Example

DA FORM 3677 - Computer Met Message page 1 DA FORM 3677 - Computer Met Message page 2