DA FORM 3340 – Request For Continued Service In The Regular Army

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 3340 – Request For Continued Service In The Regular Army – When you enlisted in the Army, you swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. You also promised to bear true faith and allegiance to the same. Enlisting in the Army means that you have committed to a career of service. The Army is more than just a job; it is a way of life. The Army values its soldiers and wants them to stay in the Army for their entire careers.

Download DA FORM 3340 – Request For Continued Service In The Regular Army

Form Number DA FORM 3340
Form Title Request For Continued Service In The Regular Army
Published 06/01/2018
Prescribing Pub AR 601-280
File Size 74 KB

DA FORM 3340 (4 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 3340?

In the military, DA Form 3340 is used to request continued service in the Regular Army. This form is used to request an extension of enlistment or reenlistment in the Army. The form must be signed by the Soldier and their commander. The Army will not approve a request for continued service unless the Soldier has met all the eligibility requirements. The Army will not automatically extend a Soldier’s service unless the Soldier has met all of the eligibility requirements for continued service.

The Army does not have a policy regarding career soldiers who are approaching 20 years of service. A Soldier must meet certain criteria to qualify for continued service.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 3340?

DA Form 3340 is used by service members who wish to request continued service in the Regular Army. The form must be submitted to the service member’s commanding officer for approval. If approved, the form will be forwarded to the Army Human Resources Command for processing.

DA FORM 3340 – Request For Continued Service In The Regular Army

DA Form 3340 is used by service members who wish to request continued service in the Regular Army. The form must be submitted to the service member’s commanding officer for approval. If approved, the form will be forwarded to the Army Human Resources Command for processing.

DA FORM 3340 – Example

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