DA Form 3072 – Waiver Of Disqualification For Continued Service In The Regular Army

DAFORMS.NET – DA Form 3072 – Waiver Of Disqualification For Continued Service In The Regular Army – If you’re wondering, “What is DA Form 3072?” or “Where can I find it?” you’ve come to the right place. We’ll show you where to find and edit DA Form 3072 templates, as well as how to edit them. Ultimately, you’ll be able to use a form that works for you.

Download DA Form 3072 – Waiver Of Disqualification For Continued Service In The Regular Army

Form Number DA Form 3072
Form Title Waiver Of Disqualification For Continued Service In The Regular Army
Published 06/01/2022
Prescribing Pub AR 870-20
File Size 38 KB

DA FORM 3072 (4 downloads )

What is a DA Form 3072

The DA Form 3072 is a legal document that must be completed in order to renew your driver’s license. It is typically filled out on blue paper and submitted in person to the county tax collector’s office. If you don’t have access to blue paper, you can print a copy of the document from the Internet. It is easy to create a PDF with a free online PDF editor.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 3072

If you are looking to renew your driver’s license, you will need to complete Form Da 3072 2. It must be completed on blue paper, and submitted to the tax collector’s office. The easiest way to locate the form is to search for it online. You can use a free PDF editor to create a file in minutes that you can submit electronically. This way, you can complete the form from any computer, no matter which platform you’re using.

DA Form 3072 – Waiver Of Disqualification For Continued Service In The Regular Army

Applicants who do not meet entry-level fitness or body composition standards must request a waiver for consideration. If this occurs, the PS will consider the applicant’s entire record towards the whole-person concept. Applicants must submit all necessary paperwork for administrative waivers through the RZ. Their DD Form 214/215 and NGB Form 22/22a must be submitted with their application, along with DA Form 3072-2 and a monthly financial statement.

Applicants with more than two disqualifications cannot apply for a waiver. The waiver will be reviewed by the subordinate commanders. For example, applicants with two or three NGB or DMPM level disqualifications are not eligible for enlistment. Furthermore, applicants with a pending criminal case, or one that was dropped on condition of enlistment, are not eligible to receive a waiver.

The Army National Guard’s Strength Maintenance Division processes waiver requests from exceptionally meritorious applicants. The Recruiting and Retention Section Chief/NCOIC reviews the request and makes a recommendation on approval or disapproval. Each waiver application is reviewed individually to determine whether it meets the standards and meritorious conditions for enlistment. If the waiver is not approved, it must be forwarded to the NGB for final approval.

DA Form 3072 Example

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