DA FORM 2399 – Computer`s Record (LRA)

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 2399 – Computer`s Record (LRA) – The Department of the Army’s DA Form 2399 is an important document that provides a record of computer usage for personnel in the Land Records Automation (LRA) Office. It is a critical tool for ensuring compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and policies related to the use of computer systems. This form is used to track the activities of users within the LRA system, including who has accessed what files and when they have done so.

Download DA FORM 2399 – Computer`s Record (LRA)

Form Number DA FORM 2399
Form Title Computer`s Record (LRA)
Published 02/01/2017
Prescribing Pub
File Size 37 KB

DA FORM 2399 (6 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 2399?

The United States Army is a well-oiled machine, and the DA FORM 2399, or Computer Record (LRA), is an important part of maintaining that machine. This form is used to maintain records on a computer’s life cycle from acquisition to disposal. It serves as an essential tool in tracking the life cycle management of computers and other technological resources within the Army system.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 2399?

The DA Form 2399 is an important tool for tracking the performance of computer systems and their records. It is a record used by the U.S. Army to track the maintenance and repair of computer systems. By providing a clear overview of the system’s performance, this form helps to identify potential problems or areas that require improvement.

DA FORM 2399 – Computer`s Record (LRA)

The Department of the Army (DA) Form 2399 is an important form for keeping track of computer records in the Logistical Readiness Assessment (LRA). This form is used by commanders to evaluate the operational readiness of their units. It helps the commander determine which computer systems are needed for the unit’s mission, and how many computers are necessary. DA Form 2399 also allows commanders to keep track of hardware and software inventory, to help maintain accountability.

DA FORM 2399 – Example

DA FORM 2399 - Computer`S Record (LRA)