DA Form 2339 – Application For Voluntary Retirement

DAFORMS.NETDA Form 2339 – Application For Voluntary Retirement – If you have not filled out your DA Form 2339 yet, you may be wondering where to find it. Fortunately, you don’t have to go far to fill it out. In this article, we’ll explain how you can find a DA Form 2339 and where to find it. You can also use this form to apply for voluntary retirement. Regardless of whether you’re applying for voluntary retirement or not, you should make sure you complete it correctly.

Download DA Form 2339 – Application For Voluntary Retirement

Form Number DA Form 2339
Form Title Application For Voluntary Retirement
Published 06/01/2021
Prescribing Pub AR 635-200
File Size 52 KB

DA FORM 2339 (13 downloads )

What is a DA Form 2339

The first section of the DA Form 2339 is completed by the person who has custody of the applicant’s personnel records. A person who has been eliminated must complete the first section with the help of the person who has custody of the personnel records. The person must read and sign the conditions of DA 2339 before it is processed. The DA Form 2339 will be used until all of its forms have been completed.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 2339

Using a template for the DA form 2339 can help streamline the process of completing these documents. A template helps users manage and store high-volume documents and also offers an option for adding a digital signature. With signNow, users can fill in the form fields and add an electronic signature. They can also use the signNow editor to add additional information and customize the template. This process will help streamline the workflow of the signer.

To make the process easier, you can access DA form 2339 online. The militaryignnow form combines the ease of use, affordability, and security of the DA form 3439. This form superseded the older DA form 3439 and is subject to privacy laws. The DA form 2339 is also used to request changes in retirement dates and withdrawal from the military. The privacy act of 1974 also applies to the form.

DA Form 2339 – Application For Voluntary Retirement

The DA Form 2339 – Application for Voluntary Retiremen is a checklist for enlisted personnel to complete if they want to retire voluntarily. It also includes additional documents required in the computation of the service member’s enlistment. Besides being a checklist, it is also a government form for initiating administrative action on a voluntary retiremen’s request. Unlike other military forms, this one is governed by the privacy act of 1974.

A few years after the retirement packet was sent out, the DA Form was sent back to me. After filling it out and signing it two times, I received an email from AR-PERSCOM stating that my service date was incorrect. When I inquired about this error, they informed me that I was wrong and corrected the date on my DA Form 2339. Unfortunately, I was not able to obtain the names of the persons with whom I spoke, nor could I get a statement from them.

DA Form 2339 Example

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