DA FORM 2188 – Data Sheet

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 2188 – Data Sheet – Data sheets are essential documents for tracking progress, measuring performance, and understanding more about a particular process. DA Form 2188 is a form used by the United States Department of the Army to record information on a variety of topics. This article will provide an overview of how this data sheet works, explain its purpose, and outline how it is used in various departments of the U.S. Army.

Download DA FORM 2188 – Data Sheet

Form Number DA FORM 2188
Form Title Data Sheet
Published 02/01/2017
Prescribing Pub
File Size 55 KB

DA FORM 2188 (2 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 2188?

DA Form 2188 is an important data sheet used by the US Army. It provides critical information such as the Soldier’s name, Social Security Number, Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), and other relevant personnel data. This form is used to track personnel information during a Soldier’s enlistment and to document their career progress throughout their service. It is also a key source of reference for commanders when making decisions about promotions, awards, and other matters related to personnel administration.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 2188?

This article provides an overview of the DA Form 2188, which is a data sheet used by the US Army and Department of Defense. The form is used to provide and collect important information regarding the performance of soldiers in the Army. It serves as a reference for commanding officers to evaluate their soldiers and measure their progress over time. The DA Form 2188 provides details on an individual’s physical fitness test scores, training records, awards and decorations, military education courses, and other relevant information.

DA FORM 2188 – Data Sheet

The Army’s DA FORM 2188 is an incredibly important document. It is a data sheet used by the Department of the Army to keep track of personnel, equipment, and supplies. This form provides valuable information to leaders in all branches of the military. As such, it is critical that this form be filled out accurately and completely in order to ensure successful operations. Knowing how to fill out the DA FORM 2188 correctly is key for anyone serving in the United States military.

DA FORM 2188 – Example

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