DA FORM 2188-1 – LHMBC/MFCS Data Sheet

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 2188-1 – LHMBC/MFCS Data Sheet – The DA Form 2188-1 is the official form used by the U.S. Army to document the performance and maintenance of the Lightweight High Mobility Battalion Combat System (LHMBC MFCS). This form is designed to ensure that all components of the system are performing at their peak efficiency and reliability levels. As such, it is vital that any personnel responsible for maintaining or troubleshooting LHMBC MFCS equipment have a thorough understanding of how this data sheet works.

Download DA FORM 2188-1 – LHMBC/MFCS Data Sheet

Form Number DA FORM 2188-1
Form Title LHMBC/MFCS Data Sheet
Published 02/01/2017
Prescribing Pub
File Size 101 KB

DA FORM 2188-1 (3 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 2188-1?

The DA FORM 2188-1 is a data sheet that is used to track the performance and readiness of the U.S. Army’s Logistics, Human Resources, Medical and Chaplain Services (LHMBC MFCS). It provides detailed information on how these services are organized, managed and funded. In addition, it can provide insight into the effectiveness of the Army’s operations.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 2188-1?

The DA Form 2188-1 – LHMBC MFCS Data Sheet is an invaluable tool for military personnel. It is used to record and track the maintenance of the Life Cycle Management Branch Combat System (MFCS) of a system or component. This form provides a way to document changes in equipment and software, keeping up-to-date records on each piece of equipment in the system.

DA FORM 2188-1 – LHMBC/MFCS Data Sheet

The Department of the Army’s DA FORM 2188-1 is a data sheet used by the Logistics Health and Medical Business Center (LHMBC) to track and manage medical personnel and equipment. This form is an essential tool for LHMBC to ensure accurate tracking of all medical assets, such as personnel, supplies, and equipment. It provides comprehensive data on each item tracked, including current location, cost information, individual responsible for the asset, maintenance records, and more.

The DA FORM 2188-1 has been developed in line with military standards in order to facilitate efficient management of medical items across the entire armed forces. The form also serves as a useful tool for internal audits by providing detailed records necessary for identifying discrepancies or areas that need improvement within the LHMBC system.

DA FORM 2188-1 – Example

DA FORM 2188-1 - LHMBC_MFCS Data Sheet