DA FORM 200 – Transmittal Record

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 200 – Transmittal Record – The DA Form 200, also known as the Transmittal Record, is an important document used by the U.S. Department of Defense and other government agencies to track and record documents being transmitted between parties. This form is used to trace and monitor the progress of paperwork through an organization. The information provided on the DA Form 200 can be very useful in tracking down missing paperwork or allowing for a quick reference for when something was sent or received.

Download DA FORM 200 – Transmittal Record

Form Number DA FORM 200
Form Title Transmittal Record
Published 05/01/2013
Prescribing Pub AR 25-50
File Size 57 KB

DA FORM 200 (77 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 200?

The DA Form 200 is an important document used to record the movement of documents within the US Department of Defense. This form is used to track documents for accountability and traceability, as well as to ensure that the proper personnel receives the necessary documentation in a timely fashion. It is a requirement for any department or agency within the Department of Defense and serves as an official record of document movement.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 200?

The DA Form 200 is an essential document for the United States armed forces. It is a transmittal record used by the Department of Defense (DoD) to document the transmission of documents and other materials.

This form is used to create an audit trail of all important documents, ensuring that nothing is missed or misplaced during the transmittal process. The information included on this form includes details about the sender and recipient, as well as a detailed description of the materials being transmitted.

DA FORM 200 – Transmittal Record

DA Form 200, also known as the Transmittal Record, is an important document used by the United States Army to track the transmittal of documents and other materials. This form plays an essential role in helping keep track of information that is sent from one office to another within the military.

It is also used for transferring records between different locations or destinations. The DA Form 200 helps provide a sense of accountability and security when it comes to transmitting sensitive documents.

DA FORM 200 – Example

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