DA Form 1506 – Statement Of Service

DAFORMS.NETDA Form 1506 – Statement Of Service – The DA Form 1506 is an online version of a traditional paper form used to file for divorce. This document is used to prove that a couple was served with the divorce papers. However, the filing process is far more complicated than it seems. You have to complete a number of steps before you are ready to serve the papers. Here are some tips to help you get started. First, you have to create a profile. After this, you can add or import files from the cloud, online or internal email. After registering, you can edit the form. You can rearrange pages, insert new text, or add objects. Once you have made the necessary changes, click Done. From here, you can also access merging and locking.

Download DA Form 1506 – Statement Of Service

Form Number DA Form 1506
Form Title Statement Of Service
Published 01/01/2022
Prescribing Pub AR 637-1
File Size 53 KB

DA Form 1506 (24 downloads )

What is a DA Form 1506

A DA Form 1506 is the most commonly used military form in the U.S. Army. Among other things, it is used to request for personnel action, which could range from additional training and rations to name changes and discharge. The more information you can provide on the form, the faster your request will be processed. To begin, you need to provide your name, grade, social security number, and other necessary information. Next, you must indicate the type of action you are requesting, including transfer to a different unit. Finally, you should sign the document.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 1506

DA Form 1506 is a change to the Basic Active Service Date. Formerly, it was 27 April 1995, but now it is 16 May 2001 or 18 June 2002 – the date of your honorable discharge. This change is also effective for those who left the military on or before 2 May 2004. In addition, you can change your date of discharge. Usually, a DA Form 1506 must be filled out for every change in your service history.

When filling out a DA Form 1506, it is very important to ensure that the details are accurate and up to date. You can update your details by using the Date feature and sign with a digital signature. Once the form is filled out, you can either email it as an attachment or download it instantly. To make the process easier, you can also use an online service that makes DA Form 1506 available as an attachment.

DA Form 1506 – Statement Of Service

The DA Form 1506 – Statement of service is the military’s version of an individual’s resume. Those who are planning on applying for the Army National Guard should ensure that they are in good physical condition. In order to do so, a Soldier should ensure that they have a DD214 or NGB 22. Also, an NCOIC or OIC signature should be verified. In addition, Soldiers must include a current DA Form 1506. Lastly, Soldiers should submit an APFT test within 3 years of submitting their application.

To use this app, you will first need to log in or register an account. Then, you can upload files from your computer or import them from online or internal email. From there, you can edit the form and rearrange or rotate the pages. You can also add or edit text and other objects. DA Form 1506 is very easy to use, even if you don’t know how to fill out forms. The merge function also comes in handy.

DA Form 1506 Example

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