DA FORM 1380 – Record Of Individual Performance Of Reserve Duty Training

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 1380 – Record Of Individual Performance Of Reserve Duty Training – If you’re looking for a DA FORM 1380, there are a few things you should know. Fortunately, you can now complete it online, wherever you may be. The information on this form is required by the government, and filling it out correctly will save you time and money.

Download DA FORM 1380 – Record Of Individual Performance Of Reserve Duty Training

Form Number DA FORM 1380
Form Title Record Of Individual Performance Of Reserve Duty Training
Published 05/01/2019
Prescribing Pub AR 140-185, AR 50-6
File Size 30 KB

DA FORM 1380 (2 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 1380?

DA Form 1380 is a document that contains basic information about the date, name, and payment information of each employee. It is also used to record the type of duties performed and any training or instruction that the employee has received. It is required to be signed by an authorized officer.

This document should be filed with the office responsible for records and pay. This office is located at 1600 Spearhead Div Ave, Fort Knox, KY 40122. The DA-1380 form can be completed online. This makes the process easier for employees. In addition, this form can be completed from anywhere, including a computer.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 1380?

The DA FORM 1380 is a standard Department of the Army form used by military personnel to report appropriate duties and non-unit reserve training. It is required for reservists assigned to United States Army Reserve units to sign. The form must be completed and submitted with an attached certificate.

The DA Form 1380 asks for basic information such as dates, names, and payments. It also asks for information on the type of duty performed and details on the training and instruction received. The DA Form 1380 also needs to be signed by an authorized officer.

DA FORM 1380 – Record Of Individual Performance Of Reserve Duty Training

If you’re a military employer, you’ve probably heard of DA FORM 1380, the standard Department of the Army form. This document is used to report appropriate duty and non-unit reserve training that employees in the military undergo. This form should accompany a certificate stating that a worker completed this training.

DA FORM 1380 – Example

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