DA FORM 1156 – Casualty Feeder Card

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 1156 – Casualty Feeder Card – The Department of the Army (DA) Form 1156, also known as the Casualty Feeder Card, is a critical document used in casualty and personnel operations. This form provides essential information for the armed forces regarding casualties and personnel involved in military operations.

It is used to report and track casualty information for service members who have been killed, wounded, captured, missing or unaccounted for as a result of hostile action or accidents.

Download DA FORM 1156 – Casualty Feeder Card

Form Number DA FORM 1156
Form Title Casualty Feeder Card
Published 06/01/2015
Prescribing Pub AR 638-8, FM 3-81
File Size 39 KB

DA FORM 1156 (2 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 1156?

Having a Casualty Feeder Card is an important part of the U.S. Army’s casualty reporting system. The DA Form 1156, also known as the Casualty Feeder Card, is used to keep track of casualties and serve as supporting documentation for casualty reports. This document allows for quick and efficient communication between various levels of command in order to give families affected by casualties up-to-date information about their loved ones.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 1156?

The Department of the Army Form 1156, also known as the Casualty Feeder Card, is an important document used to record and track casualties within the U.S. Army. This form helps provide a comprehensive overview of the casualty status for each individual soldier serving in the U.S. Army. The DA Form 1156 is an essential tool for managing casualty records and ensuring soldiers are receiving accurate information about their medical treatment and benefits.

DA FORM 1156 – Casualty Feeder Card

The DA FORM 1156, more commonly known as the Casualty Feeder Card, is an important document in the United States Army. This form is used to record vital casualty information from a theater of operations where U.S. Armed Forces are present. It is also used to assist with deceased personnel identification and notification for legal purposes.

DA FORM 1156 – Example

DA FORM 1156 - Casualty Feeder Card