DA FORM 11-2 – Internal Control Evaluation Certification

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 11-2 – Internal Control Evaluation Certification – Good internal control is essential for the efficient and effective operations of any organization. DA FORM 11-2, otherwise known as the Internal Control Evaluation Certification, is a form used by Department of Defense personnel to assess the controls that are in place within their operations. This article will provide an overview of the DA FORM 11-2 and how it should be completed. It will also discuss its importance and why it is important to properly complete this form.

Download DA FORM 11-2 – Internal Control Evaluation Certification

Form Number DA FORM 11-2
Form Title Internal Control Evaluation Certification
Published 09/01/2012
Prescribing Pub AR 11-2
File Size 54 KB

DA FORM 11-2 (10 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 11-2?

DA Form 11-2 is a critical document used by the Department of the Army to ensure the proper functioning of its internal control processes. This form is used to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, safeguarding of resources, reliability of financial reporting, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The DA Form 11-2 serves as a certification that all necessary steps have been taken to properly assess and document internal controls within an organization.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 11-2?

The purpose of the DA Form 11-2 is to assess and evaluate the internal control environment of a business or organization. This form helps to identify any potential risks or weaknesses in an organization’s operations and financial management systems. The evaluation done with this form can help organizations increase their efficiency, reduce waste and fraud, and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. It is important for organizations to understand their internal controls and evaluate them regularly to ensure that they are effective in achieving the desired objectives.

DA FORM 11-2 – Internal Control Evaluation Certification

The purpose of a DA Form 11-2 is to ensure that all personnel within an organization have the necessary tools and resources to execute their mission. This form serves as a certification of internal control evaluation at the organizational level. It is an essential document that allows for an accurate and reliable assessment of the effectiveness and adequacy of internal controls. The form should be completed by either an Inspector General or Command Inspector General representative, who reviews each element for compliance with the relevant regulations and guidance.

DA FORM 11-2 – Example

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