DA Form 759-1 – Individual Flight Record And Flight Certificate-Army

DAFORMS.NETDA Form 759-1 – Individual Flight Record And Flight Certificate-Army –If you are wondering what a DA Form 759-1 is, you have come to the right place. This article will explain what DA 759-1 is and where you can find it. It’s also a good idea to download the form and complete it before you fly. However, if you don’t have access to a computer, you can always complete it on the Internet. To get started, visit our website.

DA Form 759-1 – Individual Flight Record And Flight Certificate-Army

Form Number DA Form 759-1
Form Title Individual Flight Record And Flight Certificate-Army
Published 04/01/2022
Prescribing Pub TC 3-04.11
File Size 65 KB

DA Form 759-1 (62 downloads )

What is a DA Form 759-1

A DA Form 759-1 is a logbook used by aviators. This document contains boxes to record the hours flown in different types of aircraft. Each row has a particular purpose, which is detailed on the form. This form contains the following information: Name, rank, and period. Box five contains information about aircraft design, seat designation, and mission. Boxes six through twelve detail the total hours flown in hours and tenths of an hour for all similar entries on DA 759-2.

To complete the DA Form 759-1, an applicant must register. Once registered, they can import files from the internet, cloud, or internal mail. After importing, users can add, edit, and rotate the files. Once the changes are saved, they can return to the Dashboard and access other features such as merging and locking. The application process is easy and fast. It takes just a few minutes to complete.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 759-1

Among other documents used to record flight hours, the DA Form 759-1 contains information on military aviation. The pilots have to fill out a form after each flight. The form contains 12 boxes. The first four boxes ask for personal identifying information such as name, rank, and period of service. Boxes five and six ask for aircraft type, mission, and seat designation. The remaining blocks have total hours in hours and tenths of an hour.

Once you have signed up for an account, you can begin working on the DA Form 759-1. The online format makes the process easy, and the advanced tools of the editor guide you through the process. You can even fill out and sign the form online without having to download it. You can find more information about the DA 759-1 by reading this article. Here are some useful tips on where to find a DA Form 759-1:

DA Form 759-1 – Individual Flight Record And Fligh

The DA Form 759-1 – Individual Fight Record And Fligh is used to obtain approval for a pilot’s license to operate a Government aircraft. It has 12 boxes in total and requires certain information. The form requires information for your personal identifying information, service branch, MOS, assigned duty position, and flight training. Block 5 lists your name, home address, date of birth, and other personal information. Block 12 asks for information about your training and medical condition.

You must provide a copy of your DD Form 214, Individual Flight Record and Flight Certificate to receive this award. These records are kept permanently and are stored at the U.S. Army Program Executive Office Aviation, Sparkman Center, or Redstone Arsenal. The DA Form 759-1 is completed by a flight surgeon or nonrated standardization instructor. The information in these documents is vital and should be kept in a safe place.

DA Form 759-1 Example

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