DA FORM 2696 – Operational Hazard Report

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 2696 – Operational Hazard Report – When it comes to operational safety, the DA FORM 2696 – Operational Hazard Report is an essential tool for ensuring the well-being of personnel and property. This form provides a standardized method for identifying, assessing, and controlling hazardous conditions in any military environment. It helps commanders assess potential risks that could lead to serious injury or death while also providing a mechanism to document corrective actions taken.

Download DA FORM 2696 – Operational Hazard Report

Form Number DA FORM 2696
Form Title Operational Hazard Report
Published 10/01/2013
Prescribing Pub AR 385-10
File Size 50 KB

DA FORM 2696 (28 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 2696?

Having the ability to identify and report hazards in your work environment is an essential skill for any successful military professional. To ensure all hazards are identified and reported, the United States Army has established DA Form 2696 – Operational Hazard Report. This form helps to provide a structured system for documenting and reporting hazards associated with all operations, including those in which personnel could be exposed to hazardous materials. It also serves as a way to track potential dangers so that appropriate steps can be taken to mitigate them.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 2696?

Operational hazards are an important part of any organization’s safety protocols. The U.S. Army has a comprehensive form, the DA Form 2696, to document and report such hazards as soon as they arise. This article will provide an overview of the DA Form 2696, including information on its purpose, contents, and who is responsible for completing it. It covers all aspects of hazard identification and reporting for both personnel and equipment in order to ensure ongoing compliance with safety standards.

DA FORM 2696 – Operational Hazard Report

The safety of personnel and equipment is paramount in any military operation. To ensure that proper safety protocols are maintained, the U.S. Army utilizes the DA Form 2696 – Operational Hazard Report to identify and track potential hazards. This report allows commanders to recognize existing threats and create strategies to avoid or reduce risks associated with them. By doing so, commanders can be confident that their unit is prepared for any unexpected dangers that may arise during operations.

DA FORM 2696 – Example

DA FORM 2696 - Operational Hazard Report page 2