DA FORM 3444 – Inpatient Treatment Records And Dental Records (Orange)

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 3444 – Inpatient Treatment Records And Dental Records (Orange) – DA Form 3444, also known as the Inpatient Treatment Records and Dental Records (Orange), is an important form in the U.S. Army health care system that allows medical personnel to track a patient’s treatment history. This form serves as a comprehensive record of a patient’s care, including all relevant information such as diagnoses and treatments.

Download DA FORM 3444 – Inpatient Treatment Records And Dental Records (Orange)

Form Number DA FORM 3444
Form Title Inpatient Treatment Records And Dental Records (Orange)
Published 02/01/2012
Prescribing Pub AR 40-66
File Size – KB

What is a DA FORM 3444?

When it comes to inpatient treatment and dental records, the US Army Reserve has a form that is essential to their operations. The DA Form 3444 is a crucial document known as the “Inpatient Treatment Record and Dental Record (Orange).” This form is used to maintain accurate, up-to-date records of all medical and dental treatments provided in an inpatient or outpatient setting. It serves as a comprehensive record of every treatment presented, from start to finish.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 3444?

In the military, keeping accurate records of personnel’s health and dental information is essential for providing quality care. DA FORM 3444 is an official document used by the United States Army to track treatments provided to inpatients in military hospitals. This form also serves as a record of all dental treatments provided, including examinations and extractions. As such, it is important for healthcare professionals to understand how to correctly use this form.

DA FORM 3444 – Inpatient Treatment Records And Dental Records (Orange)

Maintaining accurate records of patient treatments and dental care is an important part of providing quality healthcare services. DA FORM 3444 is a medical form used by the United States Army to document inpatient treatment and dental records. This article will provide an overview of DA FORM 3444, including what information it contains, how to access it, and how to interpret its contents. Additionally, this article will discuss the importance of properly completing and storing DA FORM 3444 for Orange patients specifically.